Good morning my beautiful souls. It is believed by many that all illness starts in a person’s energy field and if it is not addressed and removed, this will manifest into physical problems. Stress is rampant in our society and it takes a toll not only on our physical bodies, but emotionally and mentally as well. You will feel an immediate difference after your treatment. Reiki works to relax your body, release tension, produce endorphins, silence the mental chatter and help you sleep at night. It also helps us to hold onto more positive thoughts and makes it easier to release negative ones. Holding more positive thoughts and being able to speak using “high vibration” words works further in keeping our body-mind-soul clear. The energy will continue to detoxify your body, removing all that no longer serves you, for 3 days following your treatment drink lots of water for it is vital. Blessings of Love and Light, Medea